TDOS7.WS4 --------- - "Printer Networking with TurboDOS" Tedd Kurts, MuSYS Corporation "Microsystems", Vol.5, No.10, October 1984, p.106 (Retyped by Emmanuel ROCHE.) In working with TurboDOS users on a daily basis, I have observed many of them attempting printer configurations, only to find their efforts unsuccessful. The problem appears to stem from a lack of understanding of the printer networking concepts involved. This article will outline the steps necessary to configure a TurboDOS operating system with one or more printers. There is a radical difference between CP/M or MP/M operating systems and TurboDOS. No printer drivers (or only skeletal examples) are supplied with a CP/M or MP/M as purchased from Digital Research,Inc. The user must write his own drivers, and integrate them into the I/O section of the operating system; he must, therefore, be a competent assembly language programmer, and understand the workings of the CP/M BIOS or MP/M XIOS. (ROCHE> I had the curiosity of searching for "Printer" in the Index of "The CP/M Programmer's Handbook", by Andy Johnson-Laird, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1983, the only book ever written on the subject of writing a BIOS for CP/M. There are only 3 entries: "Printer echo", "Printer errors", and "Printer timeout error". This is because printers are, fundamentally, outside the microcomputer running CP/M. Hence, only CP/M programs dealing with printers (like WordStar) have (their own) printer drivers.) TurboDOS, on the other hand, comes with several printer drivers for various methods of handshaking; these are assembled in Microsoft RELocatable format, and need only be linked to the body of the TurboDOS operating system by means of the GEN (system generation) utility (also supplied). For fine tuning, PARameter files can be created or modified with a simple text editor. Thus, the person who "generates" a bootable TurboDOS operating system from the modules supplied in Microsoft REL form need not be an assembly language programmer (ROCHE> ??? How many end users are familiar with Microsoft REL files and linkers?), though he must understand what functions the printer drivers and PARameter files perform, and how to modify them to suit his needs. (ROCHE> Isn't it the job of the "System Implementer" to port/implement TurboDOS on a particular hardware, so that the user can use the software?) The procedure falls into the following steps: - Determine the handshaking required by your printer(s), and select the appropriate driver module(s). - Determine the baud rate to be used, and create a corresponding patch in a PARameter file. - Assign the printer to a spooling queue by a patch in a PARameter file. Exampes will be given, showing exactly how to perform theses steps. 1) Printer handshaking and cabling ---------------------------------- To determine what handshaking protocol should be used (and, consequently, which printer driver module to select), consult your printer manual. The most commonly-used methods are hardware handshake (sometimes called CTS (Clear To Send) protocol); XON/XOFF protocol; ETX/ACK protocol; or a combination of hardware handshake and one of the other two (ROCHE> Software handshakes.). All of these can be used with serial printers; a special form of hardware handshake, standardized by Centronics, is generally used for parallel printers. When hardware handshaking is used on an RS-232-C serial channel, only 3 conductors are required: the data line (from computer to printer); a control signal line; and the signal ground line. The printer accepts characters until its buffer is about 3/4 full; it then turns off the control signal. The computer must be able to detect this signal, and stop sending, until the printer turns the signal on again, when the buffer is nearly empty. The control signal chosen is usually DTR (Data Terminal Ready, pin 20 of the 1969 RS-232-C standard) or RTS (Request To Send, pin 4), but some printers use other signals. This is the industry-preferred protocol, for several reasons: 1) only one data channel is needed; 2) it is a hardware handshake and, therefore, the driver is simple and takes less CPU time; 3) a cable disconnection during printing does not cause loss of data. When the cable is reconnected, printing picks up where it left off. When XON/XOFF protocol is used, 2 data channels are required: one from computer to printer, the other from printer to computer. The printer accepts characters until its buffer is nearly full, and then sends the XOFF code (Transmit OFF, or "pause transmission", ASCII DC3, Control-S, 13H) to tell the computer to stop sending; when the printer is ready to accept more characters, it sends the XON code (Transmit ON, or "resume transmission", ASCII DC1, Control-Q, 11H). When ETX/ACK protocol is used, 2 channels are again required. The computer sends a fixed number of characters to the printer (amounting to about 75% of the buffer capacity) followed by an ASCII ETX (End-of-TeXt, Control-C, 03H) character; it then waits until it receives an ASCII ACK (ACKnowledge, Control- F, 06H) character from the printer. Both XON/XOFF and ETX/ACK can lose data in the event of a cable disconnection. For this reason, they are sometimes combined with a hardware handshake. If the printer can use more than one of these protocols, selection is done by setting switches or placing jumpers on the circuit board. Care must be taken to see that the cable connects the correct pins of the RS- 232-C connectors at each end. Devices designated DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) send data on pin 2 and receive it on pin 3; devices designated DCE (Data Communications Equipment) receive on pin 2 and send on pin 3. Thus, the cable connecting a DTE device to a DCE device has corresponding pin numbers connected. If, however, both devices are DTE or both are DCE, then the cable connecting them must have pins 2 and 3 at one end connected to pins 3 and 2 at the other. Also, if the control signal appears on (say) pin 14 at the printer but is required on pin 20 at the computer end, the cable must have this cross- connection also. Printer drivers --------------- For each of the protocols described above, TurboDOS has a corresponding driver. The most common ones are designated LSTCTS.REL (CTS hardware handshaking); LSTXON.REL (XON/XOFF protocol); LSTETX.REL (ETX/ACK protocol); and LSTCEN.REL (a Centronics parallel printer driver used mainly in Televideo implementations). Less common are LSTPAR.REL, the driver for a standard Centronics parallel printer; and LST300.REL, a simple, slow-speed, Teletype- like serial driver. This has no provision for error detection, and relies on the printer being able to keep up with the transmission rate. One or more of these drivers is placed in the GEN file of the appropriate server or satellite processor when the GEN (system generation) program is run to generate the TurboDOS operating system. 2) Setting printer baud rates (BR) ----------------------------- After determining handshaking and selecting the appropriate driver module, the baud rate should be checked against the default value for that driver. If some rate other than the default is desired, use a text editor to modify the appropriate patch point in the PARameter file containing global symbolic patches for the node. Examples of symbolic patch points are shown in Listing 1. Listing 1 --------- Baud Rate patch point (PAR) Printer driver (GEN) --------------------------- -------------------- CTSBR = hn ln Default=6E LSTCTS XONBR = hn ln Default=07 LSTXON ETXBR = hn ln Default=07 LSTETX where hn represents the high-order 'nibble' (4 bits), which can have only 3 valid values in these particular patch points: 0 Represents the disabling of all hardware handshaking. 4 Represents hardware handshaking. Bit 6 is set, and enables CTS. Is used with XONBR and ETXBR drivers to enable the respective protocol + CTS. 6 Represents hardware handshaking for output only (input disabled). Is used for all CTSBR patch points. and ln represents the low-order nibble, which can have 16 valid values representing the 16 baud rate values. The most common are: 5 = 300 7 = 1200 E = 9600 Example: CTSBR = 6E ;CTS handshaking at 9600 baud XONBR = 47 ;XON/XOFF + CTS handshaking at 1200 baud XONBR = 07 ;XON/XOFF handshaking at 1200 baud ETXBR = 05 ;ETX/ACK handshaking at 300 baud Print spooling -------------- The 2 print modes are either spooled or direct. In most multi-user applications, spooled printing is preferred over direct. When a file is spooled, TurboDOS creates a print file on the disk. When the print job is done, TurboDOS will queue the print files for de-spooling in a first-in first- out (FIFO) manner. Print file de-spooling is a background process that is done automatically. The De-SPool Printer Assignment Table (DSPPAT), in the module LSTTBL, is an array of 16 bytes (for printer A-P) that defines the queue assigned to each printer. Positions 1 through 16 in the array correspond to printers A-P, respectively. The hex value (01-10, corresponding to printers A-P) found at each position in the array defines the queue to which that printer is assigned. A value of 00H indicates that the printer is off-line. The default value (01H) assigns all printers to queue A. A de-spool assignment table looks like this: DSPPAT = 01,01,02,02 ;Printer A to Queue A, ;printer B to Queue A, ;printer C to Queue B, ;printer D to Queue B, etc. The files created by the spooler default to the system drive. To change the default, you may patch the symbol SPLDRV in the module LCLTBL, as follows: SPLDRV = 0FFH ;0FFH is default for system drive. ;Hex value of 0-F specify spool drive of A-P. The print mode for a local user is determined by the symbol PRTMOD, located in module LCLTBL. The default value is 1, which specifies spooling. To change the default, patch PRTMOD as follows: PRTMOD = 1 ;1 is default for spooling. ;Hex value of 0 for direct printing, ;and 2 for print to console. Print queues ------------ A print queue is a list of print jobs awaiting de-spooling. The QUEue ASsignment Table (QUEAST) defines which queues of A-P are local, remote, or invalid. Also specified are the network addresses for each remote queue. QUEAST = 00,(0000) ;Queue A local -- First 3 bytes zero 0FF,(0000) ;Queue B invalid -- First byte 0FFH The patch symbol QUEPTR in module LCLTBL specifies initial queue or printer assignments. If print mode is spooled, this symbol specifies a queue assignment. If print mode is direct, this symbol specifies a printer assignment. QUEPTR = 1 ;1 is default. ;Hex values of 01-10 represent assignments of A-P. ;Zero signifies no queue, or printer off-line. 3) Printer assignment --------------------- There are 2 classes of printers in a TurboDOS network: local and remote. The PrinTeR ASsignment Table (PRTAST) contains, for each local or remote printer in the system, one byte specifying the printer, and 2 bytes in parentheses specifying the node address of the printer. In the printer designation byte, the high-order nibble can only have 2 values: 0, signifying a local printer physically attached to the node; or 8, signifying a remote printer attached to some other node. The low-order nibble specifies the printer number (0-0FH, corresponding to printers A-P). The following is an example of an entry: PTRAST = 00,LSTDRA,0FF,(0000),01,LSTDRA,85,(0002) where: 00,LSTDRA -- Local printer A to channel 0 0FF,(0000) -- Printer B is invalid 01,LSTDRA -- Local printer C to channel 1 85,(0002) -- Printer D is printer F on Remote node 2. In looking at the first bytes (00, 0FF, and 01), we find 2 Local printers attached to this node, and one Remote (85). The high-order nibbles (0 and 8) indicate Local and Remote printers, respectively. The low-order nibbles indicate that Printer A is attached to channel 0 (first serial port) and Printer C is attached to channel 1 (second serial port). Local printer configurations ---------------------------- Any node (whether server or a satellite) can be configured for up to 16 printers, designated A-P. These printers can all be in use simultaneously, and have other print jobs waiting in the queue. Before attempting to work with full networking, we will look at local printer configurations. Listing 2 --------- NODE.GEN ;TurboDOS operating system GENeration file LSTPAR ;Printer driver for Parallel (Centronics) interface LSTCTS ;Printer driver for CTS hardware handshake LSTETX ;Printer driver for ETX/ACK software handshake DSPOOL ;Despooler for Local printer (only goes in satellites) NODE.PAR ;TurboDOS operating system PAR(ameter) file CONAST = 00,CONDRA ;First serial channel -- Console terminal PTRAST = 00,LSTDRA ;Parallel port -- No serial channel used 01,LSTDRB ;Second serial channel -- Second printer driver 02,LSTDRC ;Third serial channel -- Third printer driver DSPPAT = 00,01,02 ;No queue (Direct) ;Second printer Queue A ;Third printer Queue B QUEAST = 00,(0000),00,(0000) ;Queues A and B are Local queues CTSBR = 6E ;CTS with handshake at 9600 baud XONBR = 07 ;XON without handshake at 1200 baud
Figure 1. Local printer configuration with parallel CTS and XON/XOFF protocol The example shown in Listing 2 has 3 printers on a node. The first printer is Direct, and uses a parallel interface. The second printer is Spooled, with hardware handshaking at 9600 baud. The third printer is Direct, with a software handshake at 1200 baud. See Figure 1. Note that the assignment of LSTDRA is a 2-byte value assigning a Local printer to the first printer driver in the GEN file. The assignment of LSTDRB is for a Local printer using the second printer driver in the GEN file, etc. Note that the parallel driver (LSTPAR) does not use a serial channel for communication with the printer, and this must be explicitly stated in the PTRAST entry. Note, too, that the positions of the printer drivers in the GEN file directly correlate to how printers are assigned in the table. The last letter of LSTDR? tells the printer assignment table which driver to use in the GEN -- i.e., LSTDR(A) uses the first printer driver in the GEN, LSTDR(B) uses the second printer driver, and LSTDR(C) uses the third printer driver. Listing 3 --------- NODE.GEN ;TurboDOS operating system GENeration file LSTCTS ;Printer driver for CTS hardware handshake LSTETX ;Printer driver for ETX/ACK software handshake LSTXON ;Printer driver for XON/XOFF software handshake DSPOOL ;Despooler for Local printer (only goes in satellites) NODE.PAR ;TurboDOS operating system PARameter file CONAST = 00,CONDRA ;First channel -- Console terminal PTRAST = 01,LSTDRB ;Second channel -- Second printer driver 02,LSTDRC ;Third channel -- Third printer driver 03,LSTDRA ;Fourth channel -- First printer driver DSPPAT = 01,02,03 ;Printer A to Queue A, B to B, etc. QUEAST = 00,(0000),00,(0000) ;All Queues valid and Local 00,(0000) CTSBR = 6E ;CTS printer at 9600 baud ETXBR = 0C ;ETX/ACK at 4800 baud XONBR = 67 ;XON/XOFF + CTS by setting high-order ;nibble to 6, at 1200 baud.
Figure 2. Local printer configuration with ETX/ACK, XON/XOFF plus CTS and high-speed CTS The example given in Listing 3 shows 3 printers on a single node. The first printer is Spooled, with software handshaking (ETX/ACK) at 4800 baud. The second printer is Spooled, with both a software and hardware handshake (XON/XOFF and CTS) at 1200 baud. The third printer is Spooled, with a hardware handshake at 9600 baud. See Figure 2. Printer networking ------------------ TurboDOS, by its nature, is a networking operating system that networks via a distributed processing architecture. A TurboDOS circuit is a network communication path between individual processor nodes. In a single computer system, there is a simple and closely-coupled connection between the nodes. An area of confusion to TurboDOS users is printer networking, partly due to a lack of detailed documentation. Listing 4 comprises some examples that will illustrate networking applications. Listing 4 --------- PTRAST = 00,LSTDRA,81,(0001) where: 00 is one byte consisting of a high-order nibble (Local=0, Remote=8) and a low-order nibble (Local=port or channel number, Remote=printer A-P in Hex values of 0-F). LSTDRA is a 2-byte assignment entry (global symbolic address of driver entry point) for Local printers, in which the last substitution character points to the printer driver to use in the GEN file, e.g., A = First Driver, B = Second, C = Third. 81 is a Remote printer, which is Printer B in Remote's PTRAST. (0001) is the Remote assignment entry in which the first byte of 00 refers to the circuit, and the second byte of 01 refers to the node on that circuit (Circuit 00 = server, Node 01 = First satellite). For a remote printer, the first byte must have the Sign bit set. To set the Sign bit, the high-order nibble of the first byte must have the Hex value of 8. This lets the Local Node know that this is a Remote printer, and is not physically attached. The low-order nibble of the first byte specifies the printer letter to be accessed on the Remote processor. The 'word' following the first byte specifies the network address of the Remote processor, consisting of a Circuit and a Node. When referring to hardware, a word for an 8-bit processor is 8 bits and, for a 16-bit processor, is 16 bits. When referring to words in TurboDOS (on both 8- and 16-bit processors), a single word is 2 bytes or 16 bits. A word is specified in the PARameter file whenever a Hex value greater than 255 is entered, or when the value is surrounded by parentheses. Another printer assignment might be written this way: PTRAST = 00,LSTDRA,0FF,(0000),01,LSTDRA,83,(0001),84,(0001) This assignment defines 2 printers physically attached to a Remote satellite node. Setting the high-order nibble of the first byte to 8 tells the Local node (server) that 2 other printers are Remote. The Local node (server) "sees" them as printers D and E, corresponding to the order of the printers in the assignment table. The low-order nibbles of the first bytes, with values of 3 and 4, respectively, tell the Local system to look to the printer assignment table of the Remote node for D and E. The 2-byte entry (Circuit 00, Node 01) tells the Local processor that the Remote printers are attached to Node 1 of the network (satellite 1). Printer assignment of Remote node (satellite 1) would look like this: PTRAST + 9 = 01,LSTDRA,02,LSTDRA This assignment shows a 9-byte offset resulting from 3 printers being assigned to the system defaults on Node 0. Each printer on Node 0 (A, B, C) takes up a 3-byte entry; thus, 3 bytes * 3 system printers = 9 byte offset in Remote PTRAST. Printer D is Local, and physically attached to serial channel 1, while printer E is Local and physically attached to serial channel 2. A remote networking example is given in Listing 5; please, refer to Figure 3 for a diagramatic representation. When configuring a network, it helps to draw diagramatic representations like the ones of Figures 1, 2, and 3, to aid in visualizing the network. Listing 5 --------- MASTER.GEN ;TurboDOS operating system Master GENeration file NETREQ ;Network request module MSGFMT ;Message format tables for NETREQ LSTCTS ;Printer driver for CTS hardware handshake LSTPAR ;Printer driver for Parallel handshake MASTER.PAR ;TurboDOS operating system PARameter file CONAST = 00,CONDRA ;First serial channel -- Console terminal PTRAST = 01,LSTDRA ;Second serial channel -- First printer driver 00,LSTDRB ;Parallel channel -- Second printer driver 80,(0001) ;Printer C is printer A on R-node#1 80,(0002) ;Printer D is printer A on R-node #2 QUEAST = 0,(0),0,(0) ;Queues A and B are valid Local queues 80,(0001),80,(0002) ;Queues C and D are valid Remote queues DSPPAT = 01,02,03,04 ;Printer A to Queue A, B to B, etc. CTSBR = 6E ;CTS printer at 9600 baud SLAVE1.GEN ;TurboDOS operating system Slave 1 GENeration file NETSVC ;Network service local printer request DSPOOL ;Print despooler for local printer LSTETX ;Printer driver for ETX/ACK handshake SLAVE1.PAR ;TurboDOS operating system Slave 1 PARameter file PTRAST = 01,LSTDRA ;2nd serial channel -- 1st printer driver 0FF,(0),0FF,(0),0FF,(0) ;Printers B, C, D are Invalid QUEAST = 0,(0) ;Local Queue A is Valid 0FF,(0),0FF,(0),0FF,(0) ;Queues B, C, and D are Invalid ETXBR = 0C ;ETX/ACK handshaking at 4800 baud SLAVE2.GEN ;TurboDOS operating system Slave 2 GENeration file NETSVC ;Network service local printer request DSPOOL ;Print despooler for local printer LSTXON ;Printer driver for XON handshake SLAVE2.PAR ;TurboDOS operating system Slave 2 PARameter file PTRAST = 01,LSTDRA ;Second serial channel -- First printer driver 82,(0000) ;Printer B is printer C on R-node #0 0FF,(0),0FF,(0) ;Printers C and D are Invalid QUEAST = O,(0) ;Local Queue A is valid 82,(0) ;Queue B is Queue C on R-node #0 0FF,(0),0FF,(0) ;Queues C and D are Invalid DSPPAT = 01,02 ;Printer A to Queue A,B to B, etc. SLAVE3.GEN ;TurboDOS operating system Slave 3 GENeration file LST300 ;Serial driver default 300 baud ;NETSVC required because of no local printer SLAVE3.PAR ;TurboDOS operating system Slave 3 PARameter file (Example 1) PTRAST = 80,(0000) ;Printer A is printer A on R-node #0 81,(0000) ;Printer B is printer B on R-node #0 01,LSTDRA ;Printer C is a Local printer 0FF,(0000) ;Printer D is Invalid QUEAST = 80,(0) ;Queue A is Queue A on R-node #0 81,(0) ;Queue B is Queue B on R-node #0 0FF,(0),OFF,(0) ;Queues C and D are Invalid DSPPAT = 01,02 ;Printer A to Queue A, B to B ;No baud rate specified, so it goes to default SLAVE3.PAR ;TurboDOS operating system Slave 3 PARameter file (Example 2) PTRAST +6 = 01,LSTDRA,0FF,(0) ;Offset of 6 bytes for first 2 printers A and B ;Printers A and B default to the server PTRAST QUEAST +6 = 0FF,(0) ;6-byte offset for the 2 system printers off ;the server. 0FF,(0) ;Queues C and D are Invalid DSPPAT = 01,02 ;Queue A to Queue A, B to B SLAVE4.PAR ;TurboDOS operating system Slave 4 PARameter file This satellite does not require any printer drivers in the SLAVE4.GEN file. In the SLAVE4.PAR file, it will require no printer or queue assignment. This satellite defaults to the server, but a sample PAR file is shown below to illustrate the defaults. PTRAST = 80,(0),81,(0) ;Defaults for system printers 82,(0),83,(0) QUEAST = 80,0),81,(0) ;Defaults Queues for system printers 82,(0),83,(0)
Figure 3. Remote printer networking EOF